Instead it transitions to phases 2, 3, 4 and 5 at 85%, 70%, 55% and 40% health respectively. No longer transitions between phases 1-5 at different healths in each difficulty mode.Now enrages when outside of the Snow biome.Can now always be seen during its last phase and its projectiles are now blue during the day.Now always launches 2 Crab Shrooms in Normal Mode instead of randomly launching 1 or 2.Now enrages when fought on the Surface or outside of the Glowing Mushroom biome.Decreased Distorted duration from Dark Energies from 1 second to 0.33.Dark Energies now spread out further apart from each other.Brothers move faster if they are still alive after Calamitas is defeated they move slightly slower otherwise, to compensate.Catastrophe's fireballs now inflict Brimstone Flames for 2 seconds instead of 3.Brimstone Lasers now only inflict Brimstone Flames for 2 seconds.No longer despawns and instead enrages when fought during the day.Nerfed Brimling's health pre-Providence from 4000 to 2000.Hellfireballs and their explosions now only inflict Brimstone Flames for 4 seconds instead of 10 and 6 respectively.Now inflicts Brimstone Flames for 3 seconds on contact.The laser now shoots rows of darts perpendicular to it.

Buffed Boss Rush health from 1002 to 30,000.Nerfed Post-Moon Lord health from 704,000 to 624,000.Sulphur clouds no longer have increased duration in Death Mode.No longer despawns and instead enrages when leaving the Sulphurous Sea.Decreased the maximum amount of Paraseas that the Leviathan spawns from 2 to 1 when not enraged and from 4 to 3 when enraged.No longer become invincible and instead enrage when leaving the Ocean.2.1.27 Providence, the Profaned Goddess.